The 'get' messages

The get messages can be sent to any valid OSC address. It is intended to query the system state. It is the counterpart of all the messages modifying this state. The result of the query is sent to the OSC output port with the exact syntax of the counterpart message. The global form of the message is:


The get message without parameter is the counterpart of the set message. When addressed to a container (the application /ITL, a scene /ITL/scene, the signal node /ITL/scene/signal) is also distributed to all the container components.

Specific get forms may be available, depending on the component type (see sections gmnpage, ITLQuery, ITLdebug, syncmsg, parcomp, faustmsg).

The get frame message is supported by all the components. An object frame is available for read only. It represents the polygon that encloses the object, taking account of scaling, rotations, and shear. The polygon is returned as a set of 4 points (x, y) expressed in the parent object coordinates space.

Example Sending the following request to an object which position is 0.3 0.5

/ITL/scene/myobject get x y;

will give the following messages on outpout port: ~~~~~~~ inscore /ITL/scene/myobject x 0.3; /ITL/scene/myobject y 0.5;} Querying an object content

/ITL/scene/myobject get;

will give the corresponding set message:

/ITL/scene/myobject set txt "Hello world!";

Querying an object frame

/ITL/scene/myobject get frame;

will give the corresponding frame message:

/ITL/scene/myobject frame -0.5 -0.25 0.50 -0.25 0.50 0.25 -0.5 0.25;

Note: The get width and get height messages addressed to components that have no explicit width and height (text, images, etc.) returns 0 as long as the target component has not been graphically rendered.